Before You Join the Chat

Christogenea has a text chat server, the Christogenea Community Conference, where a wide community of Christian Identity readers, studiers, listeners and friends may be found. There, generally like-minded people may answer questions or engage in informal discussions at any time in rooms for over two dozen different topics, as well as some general chats.

The text chat is currently using open-source Rocket.Chat software on our own secure, self-hosted server. 

Anyone is free to join, and for that reason we would strongly suggest that you use a screen name or alias and a throw-away email, so long as the email is valid. 

New registrations sometimes take a few days to approve, so please be patient! Trolls and all those who are opposed to our profession shall not be tolerated, and quickly disposed of by our moderators.But sometimes they may take awhile to expose themselves. 

Our philosophy regarding fellowship is found on the Welcome Message page of the Christogenea Forum and also applies in the Chat.


The text chat software works fine in a browser, but also has free apps available for Windows, Linux, Apple, iOS and Android.